Extreme Urbanism
The aim of the explorative network Extreme Urbanism (ExUrb) is to break new scientific ground on the global transfer of knowledge regarding local responses to extreme climate change in urban housing.
Viden Skaber
Nationalmuseet har indgået et nyt og spændende samarbejde med Videnskabernes Selskab i forbindelse med projektet Viden Skaber. SUMO bidrager med borgerinddragende workshops og modelbyggeri med afsæt i centerets oplevelsesbaserede forskningsmetode.
Flexible Communities
An interdisciplinary research and exhibition project that investigates the relationship between social life and the built environment in Danish social housing estates
The Kiss
The ’Kiss’ is an art-based co-creative process aiming to increasing civic participation in Taastrupgaard, a social housing estates in Taastrup Municipality, Denmark.
The Power of Modelling
How do physical models function and take on meaning? And to whom do they carry meaning? The objective with ”The Power of Modelling” is to produce new knowledge about physical models and to use this knowledge to develop a new format for co-creative exhibition-making.
The Recycling Collective
The art-based interventions in the project ’The Kiss’ inform the development of physical prototypes for the relationship between associational life and the built environment in Taastrupgaard.
The Co-Creative Museum
Through co-creative pop-up exhibitions, the project investigates what is needed to increase interest in museum activities and offers among young people between 15-25 years of age
Common Engagement
The aim with this PhD research project is to investigate how AKB København, one of Copenhagen’s largest social housing associations, can strengthen the relationship between their 2030 strategy on sustainable urban development and the everyday life of the residents.
Cities without Citizens
The purpose with “Cities without Citizens” is to investigate the relationship between formal associations that focus on civic engagement and urban citizenship and the actual forms of social organizations that residents in social housing estates are engaged in.
The purpose with “CommonPlaces” is to map, engage and strengthen urban citizenship among residents living in social housing estates in Denmark.
Branden i Fælleshuset
Nationalmuseet har indgået et nyt og spændende samarbejde med BL (Danmarks Almene Boliger) i forbindelse med BLs kampagne Vi samles. Branden i Fælleshuset er bygget op omkring et rullende kulturhistorisk escape room-mysterie, der foregår i en campingvogn.
What is the estate and who is it for? What happens there, not as a matter of empirical conviction, but as a residue of both what could happen and might be happening that conventional observation just doesn’t have access to?