Middle Class Urbanism
Middle Class Urbanism. An interdisciplinary study of the physical reordering of urban sub-Saharan Africa is an interdisciplinary research project funded by the Danish Council for Independent Research (FKK). The aim with the project is to investigate rapid urbanization processes in sub-Saharan Africa with a special focus on the radical transformations of the built environment caused by middle class urbanism.
Blog entry #8
Unfolding the (in)visible
By: Carla Cortês| 2020.04.03
Blog entry #7
Marcelino dos Santos and the Onion
By: Anna Mazzolini | 2020.03.20
Blog entry #6
An Exploration of the Concept of Intimacy.
By: Flora Botelho | 2019.10.18
Blog entry #5
The Breathing Walls of Maputo’s Residential Architecture: Points of Departure for an Investigation into Southern Africa’s Banal Transnationalism
By: Nikolai Brandes | 2019.04.03
Blog entry #4
When the world moves, you move along with it. By remaining still.
By: Morten Nielsen | 2019.03.11
Blog entry #3
Impacts of road infrastructure investments in Maputo
By: Carla Cortês | 2019.02.06
Blog entry #2
Control, deprivation, encounters, and the “politics of forgetting” – A first look at enclaving.
By: Anna Mazzolini | 2018.03.11
Blog entry #1
A city split in two
By: Flora Botelho | 2018.03.10