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The Cartoon Project

The Cartoon Project

The Prehistory of Greenland told in drawings and text

In a joint venture between the graphic artist Nuka Godtfredsen, researchers at SILA and Grønlands Skolebogsforlag (Publisher of Greenlandic school books) the latest research in the prehistory of Greenland is communicated to a broad audience.

Read more about the Prehistory of Greenland told in drawings and text.

The GeoArk Project 2003-2009

The GeoArk Project 2003-2009

The GeoArk-project is an interdisciplinary research program exploring the dynamics of the High Arctic environment  - climate, coasts, natural resources - and the cultural strategies applied by the native cultures of Holocene North East Greenland in order to cope with ever-changing life conditions.

Read more about the GeoArk Project.

The battle of the Climate

The battle of the Climate

Archaeological and historical investigations of the German Wehrmacht weather stations in Northeast Greenland, 1941-1944.

Read more about The Battle of the Climate.

PhD project

PhD project

PhD project on trade as a meeting of cultures - European artefacts in the late Thule Culture by PhD fellow Peter Andreas Toft.

Read more about the PhD project Trade as a meeting of cultures.

Previous projects

Previous projects

Descriptions of previous activities and projects.

Read about former projects.