Saga Trails
– Brattahlið, Garðar, Hvalsey Fjord's Church and Herjolfsnes: four chieftains’ farmsteads in the Norse settlements of Greenland
By Jette Arneborg

The book caters especially for visitors to the four classic large farms Brattahlið, Garðar, Hvalsey Fjord´s Church and Herjolfsnes in the Norse Eastern Settlement. The ruins that are visible in the landscape today are described, as is the history of research at the individual sites.
The book is written by Jette Arneborg and published by the three south Greenland museums in Nanortalik, Narsaq and Qaqortoq, with support from the EU´s interreg IIIB Northern Periphery Programme in the project “Destination Viking Sagalands”, as well as NORA/Nordatlantisk Atlantsamarbejde.
The book is available from Narsaq Museum: