2014 ICOMOS International Polar Heritage Committee Conference
The Future of Polar Heritage
May 25th-28th 2014, National Museum of Denmark, Ny Vestergade 10, Copenhagen

Scientific committee
- Julian Bickersteth, IPHC President, Email : J.Bickersteth@icssydney.com
- Nigel Watson, IPHC Secretary General , n.watson@nzaht.org
- Max Friesen, PAN Chairman, max.friesen@utoronto.ca
- Jørgen Hollesen, Senior Researcher, The National Museum of Denmark, joergen.hollesen@natmus.dk
Organising Committee
All questions that are not related to your paper or poster at the symposium, such as registration, payment, accommodation, excursion etc. will be taken care of by the organising committee.
- Mads Chr. Christensen, The National Museum of Denmark
- Jørgen Hollesen, The National Museum of Denmark
- Vibeke Rask, The National Museum of Denmark
Email: IPHC@natmus.dk
Nationalmuseet Bevaring
I.C. Modewegsvej, Brede
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Tlf: +45 33 13 44 11
Fax: +45 32 51 49 00