Middle Class Urbanism:
New Aesthetics of Difference and Detachment in Cities of the Global South
International Virtual Conference, 9-11 June 2021
The “Middle Class Urbanism” research project invites you to a 3-day online conference hosted by the National Museum of Denmark.
During the last couple of decades, the urban middle class has been consistently mobilized as the harbinger of viable futures for the cities of the Global South. Today practitioners, researchers and analysts are less upbeat in their predictions about the prospective role of the urban middle class. In many cities of the Global South macro-economic growth has not materialized and it is doubtful whether an expanding middle class does, in fact, lead to the expected outcomes.
Still, while the urban middle classes may have failed to bring about radical improvements of socio-political and economic conditions, imageries and expectations associated with ‘middle classness’ continue to reverberate across the urban landscapes of many cities today.
With this international conference, we want to gauge the importance of the urban middle class for exploring contemporary processes of urbanization in the Global South. We pose the following questions:
- How do transnational flows and geopolitical aesthetics affect middle class articulations in cities of the Global South?
- How are existing patterns of urban governance and land administration interwoven with new dynamics of middle class urbanism?
- How do urbanites use middle class aesthetics as a driver for urban citizenship?
The conference is open to the public. Click here to download conference booklet, and please register below to receive a link.
Conference Participants:
Post.doc. Researcher Azza Mustafa Ahmed (University of Cape Town)
Assistant Professor Manja Hoppe Andreasen (University of Copenhagen)
Senior Lecturer Jess Auerbach (North West University)
Ph.D. Researcher Flora Botelho (Aarhus University)
Post.doc. Researcher Nikolai Brandes (National Museum of Denmark)
Ph.D. Researcher Carla Mirella De Oliveira Cortês (Aarhus University)
Professor Julio D. Davila (University College London)
Professor Emeritus Paul Jenkins (The University of Edinburgh)
Lecturer & Researcher Salma Khamis (Technische Universität Berlin)
Professor Ricardo López-Pedreros (Western Washington University)
Associate Researcher Anna Mazzolini (Politecnico di Milano)
Director Emeritus and Extraordinary Professor Henning Melber (The Nordic Africa Institute)
Professor Claire Mercer (LSE)
Professor Martin Murray (University of Michigan)
Lecturer Mary Muthoni Mwangi (Kenyatta University)
Professor Morten Nielsen (National Museum of Denmark)
Associate Professor Ben Page (University College London)
Senior Professorial Fellow AbdouMaliq Simone (University of Sheffield)
Professor Emeritus Roger Southall (University of the Witwatersrand)
Senior Lecturer Jason Sumich (University of Essex)
Post Doctoral Researcher Darja Klingenberg (Europa-Universität Viadrina)
Senior Lecturer Emile Sunjo (University of Buea)