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Cross-cultural processes in South Greenland

By H. C. Gulløv, Einar Lund Jensen and Kristine Raahauge

The research project focus on the Inuit societies on both sides of Cape Farewell and covers the period from late Middle Ages to colonial times. Accentuating the European presence in the region, the investigations contribute with new perspectives on the European influence on the formation of local Inuit communities. Using archaeological, ethnographical and historical sources, the ethnohistory of the Inuit is described through the cross-cultural processes influencing the social contact between Inuit on both the east and the west coast. Immigrants from the east coast in the 19th century settled in the Cape Farewell region and an oral tradition on their forefathers, the westgreenlanders and Europeans of Danish and German origin still exists among their descendants. The investigations include analyses of the oral and written source material mentioning the migration, the Danish trade and German Moravian mission in southernmost Greenland, and will be supplied with descriptions of museum objects from Greenland, Denmark and Germany. The investigations are organised as a collaboration between SILA, by research professor H. C. Gulløv and research fellow Einar Lund Jensen, and Nanortalik Museum, by leading curator Kristine Raahauge.

References from the Cape Farewell investigations

Gulløv, H.C. (2003) "Fra festhus til fælleshus - qassi i Sydgrønland og de første inuit", Tidsskriftet Grønland.

Jensen, Einar Lund (2006) "Uiarnerit - Migrations from Southeast to Southwest Greenland in the 19th Century". In: Dynamics of Northern Societies. Publications from the National Museum, Studies in Archaeology & History Vol. 10.

Jensen, Einar Lund & Gulløv, H. C. (2006) "I konebådenes kølvand - en rejse tilbage i Kap Farvel distriktets forunderlige historie". Nationalmuseets Arbejdsmark 2006.

Jensen, Einar Lund (2003) "Kap Farvel området i 1800-tallet - et mødested for fire kulturer". Tidsskriftet Grønland.

Jensen, Einar Lund (2002a) Tunup Saqqaa – kontakter mellem Øst- og Vestgrønland. Rapport over forundersøgelse og arkivsøgning oktober 2001-marts 2002. Feltrapport nr. 7, Nationalmuseets Center for Grønlandsforskning.

Jensen, Einar Lund (2002b) "Uiarnerit. – a historical study of immigration from East to West Green­land in the nineteenth century". Études Inuit Studies, vol. 26(2).

Jensen, Einar Lund, Kristine Raahauge & H.C. Gulløv (In prep.) "Cultural encounters in the Cape Farewell region". Meddelelser om Grønland, Man & Society.

Raahauge, Kristine; Martin Appelt; H.C. Gulløv; Hans Kapel; Cille Krause & Niels Algreen Møller (2002) Tidlig Thulekultur i Sydgrønland. Rapport om undersøgelserne i Nanortalik kommune, sommeren 2001. Feltrapport nr. 1, Nationalmuseets Center for Grønlandsforskning.

Raahauge, Kristine; Pipaluk Høegh-Knudsen; H.C. Gulløv; Jeppe Møhl; Cille Krause & Niels Algreen Møller (2003) Tidlig Thulekultur i Sydgrønland. Rapport om undersøgelserne i Nanortalik kommune, sommeren 2002. Feltrapport nr. 9, Nationalmuseets Center for Grønlandsforskning.

Raahauge, Kristine; Einar Lund Jensen; Bjarne Grønnow & H.C. Gulløv (2005) Bopladser langs konebådsruten mellem Vest- og Østgrønland. Rapport om besigtigelser fra Pamialluk til Aluk, sommeren 2004. Feltrapport nr. 19, Nationalmuseets Center for Grønlandsforskning.

Raahauge, Kristine & H.C. Gulløv (2005 ) "Indsamling af får i Grønlands middelalder. En nyfunden konstruktion retter fokus på det samarbejdende nordbosamfund". Tidsskriftet Grønland.