Eastgreenland. In: Grønnow, B. (ed.): The Paleo-Eskimo Cultures of Greenland - New Perspectives in Greenlandic Archaeology. Danish Polar Center Publications No. 1, pp. 177-190. Copenhagen. Appelt, Martin (1997) The Construction of an Archaeological "Culture". Similiarities and differences in early Paleo-Eskimo Cultures of Greenland. In: Gilberg, R. & Gulløv, H.C. (eds.): Fifty Years of Arctic Research: [...] Culture. In: Grønnow, B. (ed.): The Paleo-Eskimo Cultures of Greenland - New Perspectives in Greenlandic Archaeology. Danish Polar Center Publications No. 1/1996. pp. 177-190. Copenhagen. Grønnow, Bjarne
youngest dates are around 200-0 BC (cal). Dates from the east coast are mainly from marine mammal bones. Recent studies of the Lithic technological traditions of the Greenland Paleo-Eskimo cultures has [...] Paleoeskimo Sites in Northern Eastgreenland. In: Grønnow, B. (ed.): The Paleo-Eskimo Cultures of Greenland - New Perspectives in Greenlandic Archaeology. Danish Polar Center Publications No. 1. pp. 177-190. [...] May 10th – 14th, 2004. PNM, Publications from the National Museum. Studies in Archaeology & History, Vol. 10. Copenhagen, p. 59 – 74, 2006. (peer reviewed). Helmer, James W. (1992) The Paleo
Grønnow, B. (ed.): "The Paleo-Eskimo Cultures of Greenland - New Perspectives in Greenlandic Archaeology". Copenhagen. Danish Polar Center. Gotfredsen, Anne Birgitte & Møbjerg, Tinna (2004) Saqqaq-folket [...] "The Paleo-Eskimo Cultures of Greenland. New Perspectives in Greenlandic Archaeology". Copenhagen. Danish Polar Center. Grønnow, Bjarne (1997) The Saqqaq Harpoon: An Analysis of Early Palreo-Eskimo [...] Grønnow, B. & Schultz-Lorentzen, H. (eds.): "Palæoeskimoisk forskning i Grønland". Århus. University of Aarhus Press. Larsen, Helge & Meldgaard, Jørgen (1958) Paleo-Eskimo Cultures in Disko Bugt, West
provide protection from heavy winds. Traces of the earliest Paleo-Eskimo culture in North East Greenland, Independence I (c. 2.500 – 1800 BC) and the Greenlandic Dorset/Independence II (c. 800 – 400 BC) were found as lithic artefacts on the Thule Culture (c. 1400 – 1850 AD) sites and as a few undisturbed tent rings and mid passage dwellings in the fringe of the large Thule sites. Paleo-Eskimo traces
1992, 1993 and 1994, Schledermann 1990 and 1996. References Andreasen, Claus (1996) A Survey of Paleo-Eskimo Sites in Northern Eastgreenland. In: B. Grønnow, (ed.): The Paleo-Eskimo Cultures of Greenland. [...] Society, Vol. 32, 272 pp. Danish Polar Centre (peer reviewed). Kramer, Finn Erik (1996) The Paleo-Eskimo Cultures in Sisimiut District, West Greenland: Aspects of chronology. In: Grønnow, B. (ed.): The Paleo-Eskimo Cultures of Greenland. New Perspectives in Greenlandic Archaeology. Danish Polar Center, Copenhagen. Larsen, Helge and Meldgaard, Jørgen (1958) Paleo-Eskimo Cultures in Disko Bugt, West Greenland.
AD until their disappearance c. 1850 AD. Paleo-Eskimo remains e.g., lithic artefact and midpassage ruins of the Independence I (c. 2.500–1900 BC) and Greenlandic Dorset (c. 800–0 BC) were also registered,