About SILA

Arctic Archaeology at the Ethnographic Collections: a Great Potential
SILA – Arctic Centre at the Ethnographic Collections is the frame of the archaeological research environment, which was established at the National Museum in 1999. It is the aim of SILA to conduct and promote cultural historical research in the Arctic at the highest international level of quality, to curate the Arctic collections of the Museum, and to utilize the collections' potential for public outreach. The activities of SILA are central to the collaboration between the Ethnographic Collections and the museums in Greenland, including the Greenland National Museum and Archive in Nuuk.
SILA's research programs are characterized by interdisciplinary collaboration. The centre's archaeological studies of the often brilliantly preserved sites and monuments left by prehistoric and historic societies in the Arctic landscapes benefit from collaboration with researchers from disciplines like ethnography, ethno-history, history, and natural sciences.
SILA: Research and Education
SILA's research environment is consisting of a research professor, several senior and junior researchers as well as Ph.D. students, depending on external funding. Guest researchers from Greenland, Canada, USA, Norway, France and many other countries are visiting SILA in order to study our collections. They contribute to a dynamic academic atmosphere at the centre. Colloquiums, workshops and seminars dealing with Arctic topics are often held at SILA. The educational activities conducted in collaboration with universities in Denmark, Greenland and abroad include archaeological field schools in Greenland. SILA is an integral part of Ethnographic Collections, and thus the permanent staff at SILA curate our comprehensive historic-ethnographic and archaeological collections.