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Conservation in the Nineteenth Century (CiNC)

Scientific commitee

 Scientific committee:

  • Giorgio Bonsanti, Professor, University of Florence
  • Isabelle Brajer, Senior Research Conservator, The National Museum of Denmark
  • Beate Federspiel, Conservator, associate professor, The School of Conservation, Denmark
  • Cathleen Hoeniger, Professor , Queen´s university, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
  • Jørgen Wadum, Keeper of Conservation, The National Gallery of Denmark/Professor, University of Amsterdam 


Organising Committee

All questions that are not related to your paper or poster at the symposium, such as registration, payment, accomodation, excursion etc. will be taken care of by the organising committee.

Organising Committee:

  • Isabelle Brajer, The National Museum of Denmark
  • Mads Chr. Christensen, The National Museum of Denmark
  • Karen Brynjolf Pedersen, The National Museum of Denmark
  • Vibeke Rask, The National Museum of Denmark


Nationalmuseet Bevaring
I.C. Modewegsvej, Brede
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Tlf: +45 33 13 44 11
Fax: +45 33 47 33 27

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